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A Selection of Viewpoints on the Arab-Israeli Conflict

A Selection of Viewpoints on the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Downloadable file located at the bottom of this page. The Middle East Policy Council has tackled numerous subjects ...
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Deportivo Palestino: Arab Identity and Sports in Chile

A soccer team in Chile’s top league ignited controversy in January, 2014, with its uniforms depicting the entire ...
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Jewish and Arab Women Embody Peaceful Coexistence with Choir Ensemble

In Israeli Choir, Arab and Jewish Women Put Aside Politics to Sing with One Voice Published online at ...
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New preservation project in Haifa, Israel, seeks to keep historical Arab foods from disappearing

New preservation project in Haifa, Israel, seeks to keep historical Arab foods from disappearing

From Haaretz.com comes a story on Haifa’s hottest new preservation project which focuses on near-forgotten Levantine Arab culinary ...
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Op-Ed: Zionism and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

The following is an edited transcript of remarks by Henry Siegman to the Middle East Policy Council’s 72nd ...
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Picturing Palestinians Through New Lenses

In a New York Times article, “Palestinian Pleasures”, James Estrin looks at how one woman is trying to ...
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Primer on the Arab-Israeli Conflict

The Middle East Research and Information Project provides a detailed chronicle of the unrest between the Arabs and ...
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Sacco Conveys the Everyday Experiences of Palestinians

Graphic artist Joe Sacco conveys the everyday experiences of Palestinians in Palestine and Footnotes in Gaza Joe Sacco, ...
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The Role of Palestinian Non-Profit Organizations

An Overview This article seeks to highlight work being done on the ground to promote peace and sustainable ...
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Washington Post Profiles Wasted Generation of Gaza Stifled by Lack of Opportunity, Employment

In this republished article by journalists William Booth and Hazem Balousha, educated and unemployed Palestinians in their 20s ...
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William Quandt: U.S. Foreign Policy & the Arab-Israeli Conflict

William Quandt, former member of the National Security Council, speaks about the on U.S. Foreign Policy on the ...
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15 English Worlds Derived from Arabic

You have zero interest in algebra, so you grab some alcohol — or maybe a coffee with extra ...
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5 Things to Know about Aladdin

Aladdin film poster comparison. Screen capture from YouTube. In May 2019, Disney released a live-action version of Aladdin, ...
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An Introduction to Cybersecurity in the World of International Relations

As technology advances on a global scale, cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly pressing topic on both the domestic ...
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As Technology Advances Where are the Lines Drawn

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash As the world becomes more connected than ever through globalization and social ...
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Turkey’s Energy Ambitions: The Impact on EU Cybersecurity & the U.S. Relationship

Turkey and its neighbors, Greece and Cyprus specifically, are engaged in ongoing disputes surrounding maritime borders, the delimitation ...
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A Look at the Islamic Center of Washington DC

Credit: Library of Congress The Islamic Center of Washington was “the first major congregational mosque” in America and ...
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American Muslims and the Flint Water Crisis: A Case Study

The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, based in Washington, D.C., has taken a closer look at Michigan’s ...
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Arab-American Community Highlights

Arab-American Community Highlights

These are but a few of many of the Arab-American communities across the United States built around common ...
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Chief the Poet: Nahla

In the video below, the dean of high school in Connecticut gives a spoken word performance about a ...
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Guest Article: Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Is Out of Step with Reality in the United States

Matthew La Corte is a Research Associate at the Niskanen Center, is a Washington, D.C.-based public policy think ...
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Latest American Muslin Poll Reveals Trends and Diversity of American Faith Communities

Earlier this month, the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding released its fifth annual Muslim American Poll. Like ...
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Muslims for American Progress Looks at Muslim Contributions to the United States

To fill the widespread gaps in knowledge about Muslim American citizens, including their positive effect on the country, ...
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Muslims in America: Public Perceptions in the Trump Era

Muslims in America: Public Perceptions in the Trump Era

A June 2018 report by the Voter Study Group analyzes how most Americans perceive American Muslims vs. how ...
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Nearly half of refugees in US were Muslim in 2016

The Middle East Monitor reports on a new study by the Pew Research Center that found that nearly ...
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Op-Ed: Muslims are critical to American Progress (with guiding questions)

Op-Ed: Muslims are Critical to American Progress (with Guiding Questions) While the world mourned the savage and senseless ...
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Opinion: American Muslim Women Don’t Need You to Save Them from Islam

Opinion: American Muslim Women Don’t Need You to Save Them from Islam Dalia Mogahed, Opinion Contributor USA Today ...
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Report Documents the Effects of Islamophobia and Negative Stereotypes on Muslims

Report Documents the Effects of Islamophobia and Negative Stereotypes on Muslims   Rowaida Abdelaziz, Huffington Post May 2018 ...
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Resource Highlight: Arab American Stories Documentary Series with Classroom Tools

Arab American Stories is an Emmy Award-winning 13-part series presented by Detroit Public Television that explores the diversity ...
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View PBS Documentary: American Arab

Watch PBS documentary from its World Channel initiative now for a limited time. American Arab looks at what ...
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American Muslims and the Flint Water Crisis: A Case Study

The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, based in Washington, D.C., has taken a closer look at Michigan’s ...
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Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim? What’s the Difference?!

Many Americans have a hard time distinguishing between the terms Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim. Here we break ...
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Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups

Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam From Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East © 2000 Pearson Education Electronically ...
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Deportivo Palestino: Arab Identity and Sports in Chile

A soccer team in Chile’s top league ignited controversy in January, 2014, with its uniforms depicting the entire ...
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Facets of Arab Identity Halim Barakat

Facets of Arab Identity Halim Barakat Halim Barakat, an Arab novelist and sociologist, taught at a variety of ...
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Pride in the Middle East: A Story of Celebration and Resistance

Although members of the LGBTQ+ community face threats of and frequently experience violence and discrimination across the Middle ...
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Race and Identity in Iran

Race and Identity in Iran

‘We are Iranians’: Rediscovering the history of African slavery in Iran Iranian-Canadian scholar Behnaz Mirzai has spent 20 ...
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Resource Highlight: “Arab American Stories” Documentary Series with Classroom Tools

Arab American Stories is an Emmy Award-winning 13-part series presented by Detroit Public Television that explores the diversity ...
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The Kurds and Kurdistan

This is a continuation of original article Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam From ...
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The Maronites of Lebanon

This is a continuation of original article Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam From ...
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A Global Guide to Islamic Art

Written by Jonathan M. Bloom and Sheila S. Blair Reprinted from Saudi Aramco World (January/February 2009) Access the ...
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A Historical and Contemporary View of Palmyra (The New York Review of Books)

A Historical and Contemporary View of Palmyra (The New York Review of Books)

This compelling overview of the ancient ruins of Palmyra, located in central Syria, recounts the many conquests that ...
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Afghanistan’s First Female Rapper

The BBC reports that Afghanistan’s first female rapper is upbeat about the future.  Visit here for access to ...
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Arabic Contributions to the Spanish Language and Culture

From the desert they came – men filled with religious zeal and riding under banners inscribed with the ...
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Arabizi, the Arabic Chat Language Changing the Way Young People Write & Speak

Arabizi, the Arabic Chat Language Changing the Way Young People Write & Speak

Spoken languages have distinct styles Americans use different words and speaking styles depending where they’re from and who ...
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Ave Maria Performance Accompanied by the Islamic Call to Prayer

An example of religious plurualism in Lebanon, this Youtube video features Lebanese diva Tania Kassis singing an inspired ...
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Books to Prisoners Project Offers ALternative to Religious Literature that feeds Militancy

Inspired by the story of her own father’s imprisonment, Tunisian blogger and activist Lina Ben Mhenni is bringing ...
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Explore the Epic Poem, Shahnama

The Smithsonian’s Museums of Asian Art website contains a fascinating feature on the 1,005-year old literary masterpiece, the ...
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Film as a Political Tool: Tracing the History of Cinema in Iran

Artistic Production In Iran When Ayatollah Khomeini declared that his reservation was against promiscuity, not film, the ban ...
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Identity Reclamation and Preservation Through Art: Syrian and Palestinian Refugees in Jordan

With the traditional Palestinian scarf, keffiyeh, affixed to their heads, eleven men clasped hands and led the Levantine ...
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Marcel Khalife: Cultural Icon in the Arab World

Though born in Lebanon, Marcel Khalife is a cultural icon throughout the Arab world. Perhaps no other contemporary ...
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Middle Eastern Strides in Tennis

US Open, Regional Expansion With the U.S. Open coming to a close last Sunday, September 10, conversations have ...
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Middle Eastern Youth Build Bridges Through Arts, Sports and Dialogue

The Middle East is often characterized by perpetual conflict, religious extremism, poor governance, and people torn apart by ...
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Persian Miniature Paintings Visual Tour

Let’s take a visual tour of two exquisite sixteenth-century Persian paintings, “A Camp Scene” and “Nighttime in a ...
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Persian Music Podcast from the Smithsonian

A Podcast Master of Persian Music: Hossein Alizadeh with tar and sitar. Listen to a podcast from the ...
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Proverbs from the Middle East and South Asia

The son of a duck is a swimmer. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; or Like ...
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Saudi Investment in Sports

On December 5, 2022, various European outlets rumored that Portuguese soccer player and global superstar Cristiano Ronaldo agreed ...
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Tbourida: A North African Equestrian Performance Art

After several years of advocacy from Moroccan representatives, UNESCO officially inscribed tbourida, a North African cavalry performance, on ...
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The Evolution of Rai Music

This article, influenced by an essay by Louis Werner begins with a very brief discussion of the development ...
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The Real Story of Representational Art in Islam

It is a common belief that Islam forbids art that shows the human figure, but the issue is ...
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Women, Life, Freedom Protests in Artistic Spaces

On September 16, 2022, 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in Tehran after being arrested by police. Amini was detained ...
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All the Single Ladies: American Muslims & Marriage (partner content)

What are the marriage trends among American Muslims? Marriage is a constant topic in American Muslim circles. Islamic ...
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Arab Youth & Social Change in the Middle East

Prolific author, Middle East expert, and history professor at the University of Michigan, Juan Cole argues that despite ...
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Class Dismissed, Behind the Scenes with Malala Yousafzai (Video)

In 2012, Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai was 15 and an outspoken advocate for children’s and girls’ access to ...
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From BBC Magazine: Why does China have Women-Only Mosques?

The Islamic world is wide and various, its points of view almost as numerous as its people. And ...
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Introduction to Women and Gender Roles in the Middle East

Many people hold a rather bleak view of girls’ and women’s lives in the Middle East and Muslim ...
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Malala Yousafzai Wins 2014 Nobel Peace Prize

Two years and a day after being shot by Taliban gunmen for defying their proscription of girls’ education ...
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Middle Eastern Women Gain Recognition in Surprising Places

Arab and Muslim women are the subjects of many erroneous stereotypes and delegitimizing generalizations. You may be familiar ...
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The Light in Her Eyes: Video Profile of Girls’ School in Damascus

Filmmakers Julia Meltzer and Laura Nix profiled Houda al-Kabash and her Qur’an school for women and girls in ...
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Women in Muslim History: Traditional Perspectives and New Strategies

This short essay by sociologist Fatima Mernissi, a prominent sociologist from Morocco, is a survey of Islamic texts ...
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Women’s Empowerment is an Effective Way to Drive Progress in Saudi Arabia

On March 3rd, Alwaleed Philanthropies and several partners held the 2nd Women’s Empowerment and Integration Forum in Jeddah, ...
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Yemeni Woman Wins 2011 Nobel Peace Prize

In 2011, three women shared that year’s Nobel Peace Prize “for their non-violent struggle for the safety of ...
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A Closer Look: The Origins and Evolution of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwayn al-Muslimun) is the oldest and most influential Islamist organization in Egypt, most recently in ...
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A Review of Relations Between Israel and Egypt

Egypt’s relationship with Israel is complex and has changed considerably over the years. Like all other Arab countries, ...
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Caravan Kingdoms

Caravan Kingdoms: Yemen and the Ancient Incense Trade This online exhibition provides an intriguing and informative look at ...
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Fatima al-Fihri

Fatima al-Fihri is a 9th century woman credited with founding Al Quaraouiyine University, the oldest in the world. ...
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History Resource List

History Resources for Educators Classroom Resources General Middle Eastern History Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Islamic History Specific Periods, People and ...
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Lebanon’s Forgotten Space Program

How often do children dream of becoming astronauts when they grow up? There is a universal fascination with ...
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Ottoman History with Resources

Ottoman History with Resources

TEACHING OTTOMAN HISTORY: A PRIMER (with updates and adaptations) Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The Outreach ...
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Photographs Tell a History of Palestinian Refugees

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA) unearthed an archive of haunting photos documenting the Palestinian refugee ...
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Saudi Arabia’s Cultural Heritage Uncovered

For hundreds of years, popular perceptions of Arab culture have been dominated by Islam. But recent excavations in ...
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The First Caliphs of Islam: Power, Corruption and War in the Rashidun Caliphate

Written by Caleb Strom, Ancient Origins The first caliphs of the Islamic World were the Rashidun, or “rightly ...
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Understanding Middle Eastern History: An Interview with William Cleveland

Understanding Middle Eastern History: An Interview with William Cleveland

An interview with William Cleveland, Professor of History at Simon Fraser University and author of the widely used ...
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A Closer Look at the Presidential Election in Iran

A Closer Look at the Presidential Election in Iran

On May 19th, Iranians return to the polls to select their next president. The much anticipated event has ...
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A History of Islamist Movements in Algeria

Algeria’s history and identity is rooted in Islam. Cultural practices, even under French rule, were strongly Islamic. In ...
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A Selection of Viewpoints on the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Downloadable file located at the bottom of this page. The Middle East Policy Council has tackled numerous subjects ...
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Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr. Talks about the U.S.’ Misaligned Objectives in the Middle East

The following is an edited transcript of remarks by Chas W. Freeman, Jr. to the Middle East Policy ...
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Arab and Muslim Ban 3.0: What You Need to Know (Re-post)

ADC (The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee) has released valuable practical information on the details of the latest version ...
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Explore the Global Security Matrix Tool

What makes us feel safe?  Is the definition of security universal or does it differ from country to ...
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Islamic State’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

Journalist and comedian, Dean Obeidallah, reaches beyond the headlines detailing the horrific treatment by the Islamic State of ...
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Learn About the Negotiations that Led to the Iran Nuclear Agreement

The highly contested negotiation talks between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security ...
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New Israeli Government Coalition Comprised of Disparate Ideologies

The thirty-sixth government of Israel, also referred to as the Bennett–Lapid government – so called because Naftali Bennett ...
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One Year of the Qatar Blockade

June 5th marked one year since Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt severed relations with Qatar over ...
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Overview of the Turkey Referendum (Washington Post)

A poster of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the upcoming referendum, in Istanbul on March 27. (Emrah ...
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Responses to the Supreme Court’s Executive Order “Muslim Ban” Decision

  June 26, 2018 – The Supreme Court has upheld the Trump administration’s third “Muslim Ban” in a ...
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Ted Talk on Fighting Extremism

Anti-extremist activist Maajid Nawaz was once, in fact, an Islamist extremist himself.  In this fascinating TED video, Nawaz ...
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The Algerian Exception to the 2011 Uprisings

How Did Algeria Differ in the Arab Spring Revolts? In 2011, starting with the self-immolation of Bouazizi, a ...
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Thomas Jeffererson and the Qu’ran

To listen to the full podcast, click here. In 2006, Keith Ellison became the first Muslim elected to ...
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Turkish President Further Consolidates Power

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced his resignation on Thursday, May 6, 2016. Davutoglu’s resignation is the most ...
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U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East since the 19th Century

© 2004, Mohamed El Mansour In this article the influential Moroccan historian provides a history of the role ...
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Voices of the Egyptian Revolution

This in-depth profile looks at key participants in the 2011 Egyptian uprisings as well as the first post-Mubarak ...
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What Does Donald Trump’s Rise in US Politics Mean for the Middle East?

From the Middle East Policy Council comes this exploration of opinions of the effects of a potential Trump ...
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What Has Happened Since the Supreme Court’s 2018 Affirmation of the Muslim Ban?

Several hundred people protest against one of President Trump’s executive orders banning immigrants from several, predominantly-Muslim countries in ...
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Why Do Muslim Perpetrators of Ideologically-Motivated Violent Plots Receive Different Treatment than Non-Muslims?

Image capture from story on 2019 FBI booklet, “Homegrown Violent Extremist Mobilization Indicators,” which identifies 46 behavioral signs ...
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Why Lebanon’s Food Prices Are Through The Roof

An Overview This article will explore the context and impacts of food insecurity across Lebanon. Lebanon’s economic crisis ...
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Activism & Human Rights Advocacy

The Middle East is often portrayed as an outlier when it comes to human rights, yet, the outbreak ...
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Artists and Art Organizations

Artists play a huge role in carrying and forming new narratives. Especially within the Middle East and its ...
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Collectives – spaces of shared interest – hold great importance in the Middle East. Too often we perceive ...
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Fashion in the Middle East and its diaspora is diverse and multifaceted, traversing modest, Islamic fashion to Western-influenced ...
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Photography and photographic imagery, while a great tool to portray and communicate events and emotion, can also be ...
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Conflict and the Environment

News outlets and educational resources recently reported on a surprising environmental impact of civil unrest in the Middle ...
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Gulf Agricultural Investments in Sudan

An Overview: Context and Key Questions In some parts of Sudan, there is foreign-owned land for as far ...
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Islamic Science and Mathematics: The Astrolabe

One particular achievement of the Golden Age of Islam is the Astrolabe, an astronomical instrument from the 12th ...
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Maps and Digital Geography Applications

Maps are an excellent introductory tool for taking students on meaningful adventures through geography, cultures, history, and current ...
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Mountains of the Middle East

Why should we think so hard about geography? Why does geography matter? In addition to the intrinsic interest ...
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Renewable Energy in the Middle East

While the Middle East is often associated with fossil fuel production, the region has immense potential for the ...
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Water in the Middle East

Water security has always been an issue in the arid environment that characterizes most of the Middle East. ...
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What is the Middle East?

The Middle East is the common term for a region consisting of countries in southwest Asia and, usually, ...
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10 Things to Know About Islam

John Esposito delivers 10 essential points to know about Islam that can give any reader a basic understanding ...
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Christians in the Middle East

This is a continuation of the original article Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam ...
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FAQ on the Islamic Veil and Women’s Dress

A general lack of knowledge about how some Muslim girls and women dress sometimes leads to instances of ...
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Islamophobia in the Margins — It’s Bad for Everybody

The 2018 Institute for Social Policy and Understanding American Muslim Poll showed most Americans overwhelmingly support civil rights ...
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Jewish Communities of the Middle East

This is a continuation of the original article Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam ...
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Muslim-Derived Sectarian Communitites

This is a continuation of original article Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam From ...
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Non-Muslim Confessional Communities: Christians and Jews

This is a continuation of original article Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam From ...
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President Obama’s First Visit to an American Mosque

On February 3rd, President Obama visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore. Following a meeting with Muslim community leaders, ...
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Resources on Religion

General Background Information on Islam 10 Things everyone should know about Islam – John Esposito. Katie Couric discusses ...
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Soundscapes of Islam

Soundscapes of Islam: The Call to Prayer and Qur'an Recitation Sound is an intrinsic part of all our ...
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The Armenians in the Middle East

This is a continuation of original article Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam From ...
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The Hajj

Completion of the pilgrimage to Mecca during the prescribed month (Dhu’l Hijjah, or Hajj Month) is an obligation ...
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What’s Missing in the Teaching of Islam

There has been much misinformation about Islam. Reports in Western media tend to perpetuate stereotypes that Islam is ...
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Who Thinks Muslim Leaders Should Condemn Terrorism? (Guest Column)

Following a terror attack bearing the hallmarks of ISIS or other such groups, it is now customary for ...
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Anti-Zionism vs. Antisemitism

The Difference Between Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism The content discussed below may be sensitive for some viewers. We encourage ...
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MENA Countries in World Cup Qualifiers

After more than 100 games over seven months, the second round of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) qualifiers ...
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Impact of Climate Change: Hajj Pilgrimage Met with Hundreds of Heat-Related Deaths

Following the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, millions of Muslims around the world made their way to Mecca, ...
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Anti-Syrian Riots in Turkey

Syrian-owned shops and businesses have been closed in central Turkey amid fears of violence against Syrian refugees who ...
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What is Ashura?

Across the Shia world, streets and businesses were closed as observance of Ashura began last Tuesday, July 16. ...
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